Step into History: Guided Walking Tours of Via Appia Antica Tours

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Regina Viarum, more commonly known as Via Appia Antica, is one of the most popular ancient Roman streets. It was created in the 4th century and it quickly became a fundamental street for commercial routes. It is nowadays considered to be one of the best ways to explore parts of ancient Rome, as it still holds, along its path, many relics and ruins of the Eternal City.

Let’s explore via Appia Antica and talk about why you should visit it!

The rich history of Via Appia Antica

As previously mentioned, via Appia Antica is also known as Regina Viarum and it is considered to be the most important work in urban engineering. It was created in 312 BC by Appio Claudio Cieco, who chose to restore an existing path and turn it into a street that led to Capua. This street was then extended as the Roman Empire turned bigger, leading to the city of Brindisi. The Appia Antica was fundamental for the Romans, as they could easily reach the places that they had conquered by taking this direct street. The Appia Antica was also very important as it housed many catacombs along the way, such as the catacombs of San Callisto.

A Guide to Exploring Via Appia Antica on Foot or by Bike

Walking through the Appia Antica is hands down the best way to visit it. You can either go for the easier route and walk for around 5 km, or take the harder one and walk for about 15 km.

The easier route allows you to see some of the most important relics such as the Catacombs of San Sebastiano and San Callisto, the remains of Emperor Massenzio’s Villa and many more things.

If you don’t mind walking a lot, the harder route will take you through nature, exploring the Roman countryside.

You can also visit the Appia Antica by bike, which is probably your best option if you want to explore more of it but don’t feel like walking all the way.

Some fun facts about Via Appia Antica

If you want to impress your friends as you walk through the Appia Antica, here are some interesting facts about this infamous street:

  • The whole street was built with a draining system so that the rain couldn’t flood it;
  • The Romans installed some stopping stations called Mansiones, where the travelers could stop, eat something and let their horses rest;
  • the Appia Antica is nowadays a very important route for pilgrims;


Taking the time to do a walking tour of Appia Antica is definitely a great way to immerse yourself in ancient Rome. If you want to get to know more about the Eternal City, you can check out our other blogs and book a tour with us for the best experience!